Gränges advances to Nasdaq Stockholm’s Large Cap segment

Gränges advances to the Large Cap segment after Nasdaq’s yearly review of the Nordic market capitalization segments. The move will be effective as of January 2, 2025.

Gränges was listed at Nasdaq Stockholm in October 2014. Since then, the company’s market capitalization has grown from SEK 3.2 billion to SEK 14.3 billion. During this period, the total return to shareholders has been 339%, or 16% annually.
”As a listed company, we’ve accelerated our progress toward leadership in aluminium rolling and recycling. Our sales volume and operating profit have tripled, and we’ve expanded globally through acquisitions and strategic partnerships while generating excellent returns to our shareholders. Our sustainability strategy has led to lower carbon intensity, dramatically increased recycling, and good progress toward our goal of climate neutrality by 2040. That Gränges now moves to the Large Cap segment is a testament to this progress. We’re excited about the further opportunities we see ahead with the support of our shareholders and partners”, said Jörgen Rosengren, CEO of Gränges.
The Large Cap segment includes companies whose shares have a market value of EUR 1 billion or more. Nasdaq communicated the results of its annual review on December 19, 2024.

Datum 2024-12-19, kl 10:00
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