Gaming Innovation Group - Mandatory notification of trade


MJ Foundation Fundacja Rodzinna, a company related to Mateusz Juroszek, primary insider and Board Member of Gaming Innovation Group Inc. (GiG), has agreed to purchase 6,069,375 shares in GiG at a price of SEK 27.00 per share on 24.06.2024. After this transaction close associates of Mateusz Juroszek own 27,652,927 shares in GiG.

Betplay Capital Foundation, a company related to Tomasz Juroszek, primary insider and Board Member of GiG Platform & Sportsbook, has agreed to purchase 1,348,750 shares in GiG at a price of SEK 27.00 per share on 24.06.2024. After this transaction, close associates of Tomasz Juroszek own 10,733,692 shares in GiG. 

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

Datum 2024-06-24, kl 23:12
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