Nomination Committee for FM Mattsson AB’s Annual General Meeting 2024

In accordance with the resolution by a previous Annual General Meeting for FM Mattsson AB, the Nomination Committee shall consist of one representative of each of the three largest shareholders. FM Mattsson AB announces that the Nomination Committee has been appointed for the Annual General Meeting in May 2024.

Nomination Committee:

  • Hans Karlsson, Chairman of the Nomination Committee, representing Tibia Konsult AB
  • Mats Rylander, representing larger group of shareholders
  • Åsa Mattsson, representing larger group of shareholders

The Annual General Meeting of FM Mattsson AB will be held on Thursday May 16, 2024 in Mora.

Shareholders wishing to submit proposals to the Nomination Committee may contact the Committee by e-mail or via the company’s postal address stated below. In order for the Nomination Committee to constructively be able to address proposals received, proposals must have been received no later than February 29, 2024.

FM Mattsson AB
Att: Valberedning
Box 480
SE-792 27 MORA

Datum 2023-10-12, kl 08:00
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