Flowscape wins order in Sweden

"It is gratifying to see good demand in the Swedish market. Yet another Swedish municipality has chosen Flowscape, which proves that our offer is suitable for all types of companies and organizations that want to streamline their offices and adapt them to new ways of working. Together with our partners, we have a very competitive offer. This customer chose our smart sensor for automatic desk check-in but also room booking and room sensors. Just like the majority of all customers, they also want to be able to measure the occupancy in their office to adapt the spaces continuously to the requirements of the business." says Peter Löfgren, Sales Manager Nordic at Flowscape.

Read more on our website.

The deal was made together with one of Flowscape's partners. The installations include, among other things, Flowscape's desk booking, room booking solution, room booking panels and smart sensors.

This press release is a free translation of the Swedish press release.

Datum 2023-11-27, kl 08:26
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