Flowscape wins contract for office occupancy analysis

"We are very pleased with our new successful solution package for office occupancy analyses. Sensors are rented from us during three month and will together with our consulting services, and extensive experience of how offices can be optimized, create the best possible data for a decisions. This creates a good basis to meet requirements both from employees as well as for the company. This is our second order in Sweden in a short period of time and we see a great interest from the market.

We look forward to helping customers in their process of adapting their office to the hybrid way of working. Our believe is that our customers, after a successful occupancy analysis project will continue to install a Flowscape system permanently to manage their office.

The cost of an office space in a central Stockholm can be between SEK 100,000 and 150,000 per year, so there is a lot of money to be saved for the companies. It is also very important to create an office full of energy which is difficult if the utilisation is too low. Today, after the pandemic, many offices in Sweden have a significantly lower occupancy than before. Flowscape have a very good solution for office customers to get indisputable data and knowledge of how their office is actually used and the optimal size for an optimal functionality." says Peter Reigo, CEO and founder of Flowscape

Read more on our website

The installations include Flowscape's sensors for people counting in rooms, Room sensors and sensors for work desks as well as an analysis portal.

This is a free translation of the Swedish press release

Datum 2023-11-03, kl 08:30
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