Fenix Outdoor International
Fenix Outdoor International AG Q4 report
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements for the period ended 31 Dec 2023
Fourth quarter 2023-10-01 – 2023-12-31
- The total income of the Group was TEUR
184,302 (TEUR: 206,494), a decrease of 10.7%. - The EBITDA of the Group was TEUR 17,538 (TEUR: 28,585).
- The operating result of the Group was TEUR
413 (TEUR: 12,545). - The result before tax of the Group was TEUR
-7,111 (TEUR: 8,828). - A major FX loss in the quarter is related to a holding company equity position in SEK. The effect is neutralized by a positive change of the translation reserve.
- The result after tax of the Group was TEUR
-6,841 (TEUR: 6,045). - Earnings per share amounted to EUR -0.51
(EUR: 0.45).
Period 2023-01-01 – 2023-12-31 - The total income of the Group was TEUR:
750,165 (TEUR: 770,143), a decrease of 2.6%. - The EBITDA of the Group was TEUR: 113,675 (TEUR: 138,627).
- The operating profit of the Group was TEUR
54,978 (TEUR: 83,473). - The profit before tax of the Group was TEUR
47,574 (TEUR: 82,773). - The profit after tax of the Group was TEUR
31,970 (TEUR: 60,926). - Earnings per share amounted to EUR 2.40 (EUR: 4.57).
Dividend proposal
The Board proposes a dividend of 15,00 (15,00) Swedish Kronor, “SEK”, per B-share and 1,5 (1,5) SEK per A-share.
Events after period closing
No significant events after period close are noted.
Holding of own shares
As per 2023-12-31 the company holds 132,337 B-shares representing 0.38 % of the capital of A-shares and B-shares.
Financial information www.fenixoutdoor.se/investerare/rapporter
The report contains information which Fenix Outdoor International AG is obliged to publish under the EU Market Abuse Regulation rules. The information was provided by the contact person stated below, for publication February 13 2024 at 08 00.
Contact person Martin Nordin, Executive Chairman +41 797 99 27 58

Datum | 2024-02-13, kl 08:00 |
Källa | GlobeNewswire |