Fasadgruppen to carry out large balcony assignment in Uppsala

Fasadgruppen’s subsidiary Simtuna Bygg & Betong has signed a contract with Peab for the replacement of balconies and balcony screens on 13 multi-family residential properties in the Eriksberg area in Uppsala.

The properties were built in the 1960s and are owned by municipal property company Uppsalahem. In total, 249 balconies and 399 balcony screens will be replaced. In connection with the demolition of the old balconies, insulation will be added to the curtain walls in order to reduce energy consumption and improve the indoor climate. The work will begin in August 2023 and last until the end of 2024. The order value amounts to approximately SEK 20 million.

Peter Polland, Business Area Manager of Fasadgruppen NorthEast said: “We are proud to support Peab and Uppsalahem in this extensive balcony assignment. By also taking energy performance measures in connection with the balcony replacements, the properties are readied for the future.”

Datum 2023-07-06, kl 08:00
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