Fasadgruppen to carry out energy renovation of apartment buildings in Huddinge in Stockholm

Fasadgruppen’s subsidiary FRONT has signed a contract with housing company Victoriahem to carry out an extensive renovation with energy efficiency measures on four apartment buildings in Huddinge, Stockholm.

The buildings were built as part of the Swedish public housing ‘million programme’ and are in need of modernisation. The project includes measures on the entire climate shell; façades, windows, doors, roofs and balconies, as well as ventilation. The order value amounts to approximately SEK 45 million.

Peter Polland, Business Area Manager of Fasadgruppen NorthEast said: “We are proud to help Victoriahem modernise these properties. By taking a holistic approach, the energy performance will be significantly improved, while the living environment gets a big boost. The project is very timely considering the EU's upcoming requirements for higher energy efficiency in properties.”

Datum 2023-08-29, kl 08:00
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