Year-end report January-December 2023


The fourth quarter:

  • Order intake was MSEK 2,123 (1,964), an increase of +8.1% adjusted to +5.5% for currency effects of MSEK +49 and business closures of MSEK +2
  • Net sales were MSEK 2,111 (2,271), a decrease of -7.1% adjusted to -7.7% for currency effects of MSEK +46 and business closures of MSEK -31
  • Operating profit was MSEK 215.9 (254.7), a decrease of -15.2% with an operating margin of 10.2 (11.2)%
  • Earnings after tax were MSEK 107.5 (168.9)
  • Earnings per share were SEK 0.61 (0.96)
  • Cash flow from operating activities was MSEK 364.8 (365.5)

Comment from CEO Bodil Sonesson:

A strong Q4 to close a record year and we carry confidence with us into 2024

Datum 2024-02-16, kl 09:00
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