Fabege agrees one of Sweden's largest lettings


The property is located at Solna Strandväg 22 and was built in 1971 for the Swedish Tax Agency. It is robust and versatile, and is close to public transport links. The property will be adapted to meet Saab's requirements. It is mainly Saab's business operations in Järfälla, with 1,800 employees, that will be affected.

"We are very proud that Saab has chosen us as its partner to create a new workplace in Solna for its employees. The fact that even in the current market we at Fabege are making one of Sweden's largest lettings is a sign of strength," says Stefan Dahlbo, President and CEO of Fabege.

Fabege started a refurbishment of the property after the Swedish Tax Agency's move during 2022. The tenant customisation work is being carried out with great consideration to the environment, among other ways, by minimising the carbon footprint through circularity and reusing materials and also by achieving a good energy performance. Overall, with the tenant customisation for Saab, the investment is expected to amount to approximately SEK 1.2bn including amounts already processed.

Fabege AB (publ)





Datum 2023-10-26, kl 07:30
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