The board of Exsitec Holding AB (publ) has decided on new financial targets


The new goals are not time-limited and replace the previous goals presented in 2021.

Growth goals
Exsitec's objective is to increase net sales by at least 15% per year over time.

Performance target
Exsitec's objective is to increase adjusted EBITA per share by at least 15% per year over time.

Stability measures
Exsitec's objective is that net debt must not exceed 2 times EBITDA.

Dividend policy
Exsitec's objective is to distribute 20-40 percent of the profit after tax, taking into account the Company's financial position, capital structure and future growth opportunities.

- The board and I believe that the new financial goals give investors clarity in our ambition for long-term sustained profitable growth, while at the same time they create a direction for us internally, says CEO Johan Kallblad. For reference, net sales and adjusted EBITA increased by 14% and 43% respectively in 2023 while net debt was between 0.4-0.7 times EBITDA.

Datum 2024-05-14, kl 08:20
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