Exsitec Holding AB (publ) has signed an agreement on extended credit lines with Nordea


The loan agreement includes refinancing of existing loans of MSEK 87 and MNOK 35 respectively, a revolving credit facility amounting to MSEK 125, an overdraft facility amounting to MSEK 75 and a conditional option to increase the facility amounting to MSEK 200 (a so-called accordion option). The agreement is valid for 5.5 years and is intended to be used for acquisitions.

"After a period when we prioritized profitability over maximum growth, we believe that the acquisition market is again very interesting. Predictable and cost-effective financing is a key to doing good deals that adds value for our shareholders, and that is why we now choose to sign an agreement with Nordea, which offered very attractive terms both in terms of costs and flexibility in covenants," says Johan Kallblad, CEO of Exsitec Holding AB.

In connection with the loan agreement, Exsitec will also switch banks to Nordea.

For more information contact:

Johan Kallblad, CEO
Anna Gustafsson, CFO
Phone: 010-333 33 00
Email: ir@exsitec.se

Datum 2024-03-28, kl 17:52
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