Communiqué from the Annual General Meeting of MyFirstApp Sweden AB (publ)
Stockholm, June 11, 2024
Today, June 11, 2024, MyFirstApp Sweden AB (publ) held its Annual General Meeting. All resolutions were passed unanimously and in accordance with the previously presented proposals. The following material decisions were made:
- The AGM approved the income statement and balance sheet for the company.
- The AGM resolved, in accordance with the Board's proposal, that no dividend will be distributed and that the company's results will be carried forward to the new accounts.
- The AGM granted discharge from liability to the Board members and the CEO.
- The AGM resolved that the Board shall consist of four members and one auditor without deputies.
- The AGM resolved that the Board's remuneration shall be one price base amount for the Chairman and half a price base amount for other regular Board members who are not employees of the company. Auditor's fees shall be paid as per approved invoice.
- The AGM resolved on the re-election of all Board members. Stefan Vilhelmsson was re-elected as Chairman of the Board.
- Carlsson & Partners Revisionsbyrå AB was elected as the auditor. Carlsson & Partners Revisionsbyrå AB has informed the company that Thomas Jönsson, authorized public accountant, will continue to serve as the principal auditor.
- The AGM resolved on amendments to the Articles of Association (name change) in accordance with the Board's proposal.
- The AGM resolved on authorizations in accordance with the Board's proposal.
Datum | 2024-06-11, kl 10:25 |
Källa | Cision |

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