Repurchases of shares by EQT AB during week 29, 2023


EQT ordinary shares have been repurchased as follows:

Date: Aggregated daily volume (number of shares): Weighted average share price per day (SEK): Total daily transaction value (SEK):
17 July 2023 73,562 220.9570 16,254,038.83
18 July 2023 74,016 227.6600 16,850,482.56
19 July 2023 76,387 233.3117 17,821,980.83
20 July 2023 78,983 238.1091 18,806,571.05
21 July 2023 79,484 240.6939 19,131,313.95
Total accumulated over week 29/2023 382,432 232.3665 88,864,387.21
Total accumulated during the repurchase program 382,432 232.3665 88,864,387.21

All acquisitions have been carried out on Nasdaq Stockholm by Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB on behalf of EQT. Following the above acquisitions, EQT’s holding of own ordinary shares amounts to 382,432 ordinary shares as of 21 July 2023. The total number of shares in EQT, including the own shares, is 1,186,623,591 and the number of outstanding shares, excluding the own shares, is 1,186,241,159.

A full breakdown of the transactions is attached to this announcement.

Olof Svensson, Head of Shareholder Relations, +46 72 989 09 15
EQT Press Office,, +46 8 506 55 334

Datum 2023-07-24, kl 08:00
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