Bulletin from EQT AB's Annual Shareholders' Meeting 2024

  • approval of the income statements and the balance sheets for EQT AB and the Group, respectively, for the fiscal year 2023;
  • dividend to the shareholders of SEK 3.60 per share to be paid in two installments. At the first installment SEK 1.80 per share is paid with the record date 29 May 2024. At the second installment SEK 1.80 per share is paid with the record date 2 December 2024. The dividend is expected to be distributed through Euroclear on 3 June 2024 and on 5 December 2024, respectively;
  • discharge of liability for the Board members and the CEO for the fiscal year 2023;
  • re-election of Conni Jonsson, Brooks Entwistle, Diony Lebot, Gordon Orr, Marcus Wallenberg and Margo Cook as Board members, election of Richa Goswami as new Board member (conditional upon obtaining necessary regulatory approvals) and re-election of Conni Jonsson as Chairperson of the Board;
  • re-election of KPMG AB as auditor;
  • approval of fees to the Board and auditor;
  • adoption of new principles for appointment of the Nomination Committee;
  • approval of the remuneration report presented by the Board;
  • approval of new guidelines for executive remuneration;
  • authorization for the Board to resolve upon issuances of new shares, convertible bonds and/or warrants;
  • authorization for the Board to resolve on repurchases of own shares; and
  • reduction of the share capital through cancellation of ordinary shares held in treasury and increase of the share capital through a bonus issue.

Additional information from the Meeting

Complete proposals regarding the resolutions by the Meeting in accordance with the above are available at www.eqtgroup.com/AGM. Minutes from the Meeting will be made available at www.eqtgroup.com/AGM no later than two weeks after the Meeting.


Olof Svensson, Head of Shareholder Relations, +46 72 989 09 15
EQT Press Office, press@eqtpartners.com, +46 8 506 55 334

Datum 2024-05-27, kl 17:00
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