Threshold exceeded for major shareholding notification due to buyback of own shares


Enea Aktiebolag hereby announces, pursuant to Chapter 4, Section 18 of the Financial Instruments Trading Act (1991:980), that the company on 9 April 2024 acquired 9 000 own ordinary shares, which meant that the company’s holding of own shares exceeded the threshold of 5 percent of all shares in the company.

As of the date of the exceedance, the company’s holding of own shares amounts to 852,460 ordinary shares and all 243,000 outstanding series C shares, corresponding to 5.01 percent of all shares and 4.05 percent of all votes in the company.

The buybacks have been made within the framework of the share buyback program of a maximum of SEK 25 million that Enea announced on 1 February 2024. The share buy-back program runs during the period 2 February 2024 up to and including 24 April 2024 and is being carried out in accordance with the EU Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) and the EU Commission Delegated Regulation 2016/1052 (the so-called Safe Harbour Regulation). The purpose of the share buyback program is to enable the company to adapt its capital structure to its capital needs over time, and thereby contribute to an increased shareholder value. The current intention is that the repurchased shares will be withdrawn by resolutions at upcoming general meetings, whereby it is noted that the company’s board of directors ahead of the annual general meeting on 7 May 2024 has proposed that the annual general meeting resolves to cancel 412,747 ordinary shares repurchased within the framework of the company’s share buyback program, and all 243,000 class C shares issued within the framework of an obsolete incentive program.

The number of shares in Enea amounts to a total of 21,858,231, representing a total of 21,639,531 votes, divided into 21,615,231 ordinary shares with 1 vote each, and 243,000 class C shares with 1/10 vote each.

For more information, please contact:
Anders Lidbeck, Acting President and CEO
Phone: +46 8 507 140 00

This information is information that Enea is obliged to make public pursuant to the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact persons set out above, at 18.00 on 10 April 2024.

About Enea
Enea is a world-leading specialist in software for telecom and cybersecurity. The company’s cloud-native solutions connect, optimize, and secure services for mobile and fixed subscribers, enterprises, and the Internet of Things. More than 100 communication service providers and 4.5 billion people rely on Enea technologies every day. Enea has strengthened its product portfolio and global market position by integrating a number of acquisitions, including Qosmos, Openwave Mobility, Aptilo Networks, and AdaptiveMobile Security. Enea is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, and is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information:

Datum 2024-04-10, kl 18:00
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