Buyout consortium initiates squeeze-out proceedings and Emplicure applies for delisting


Goldcup 33922 AB, reg. no. 559450-8185 (under name change to Emplicure Holding AB), which owns more than nine tenths of the shares in Emplicure AB (publ), reg. no. 556967-7189, ("Emplicure" or the "Company"), has called for redemption of the remaining shares in the Company from the other shareholders, in accordance with Chapter 22, Sections 1 and 6 of the Swedish Companies Act and requested that the board of directors shall apply for delisting of the Company's shares from Nasdaq First North Growth Market.
In light of the above, the board of directors of Emplicure has decided to apply for delisting of the Company's shares from Nasdaq Stockholm. The last day of trading in the share will be announced after Emplicure has submitted the application and received notification from Nasdaq Stockholm.
The Holding Company has informed Emplicure that, in order to give the remaining shareholders of Emplicure the possibility to divest their shares in Emplicure even after the delisting, the Holding Company intends to offer shareholders to tender their shares to the Holding Company after the last day of trading in Emplicure’s shares on Nasdaq First North Growth Market, against a cash consideration corresponding to the amount that the Holding Company will request that the redemption amount is determined to in the squeeze-out proceedings. Additional information regarding the informal tender offer will be announced in connection with the last day of trading in Emplicure’s shares.

Datum 2023-11-08, kl 18:24
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