Nomination Committee for Annual General Meeting 2025


Nomination Committee for Annual General Meeting 2025 has been appointed

In accordance with the decision at Embellence Group AB (publ)’s Annual General Meeting on 8 May 2024, the company shall have a nomination committee composed of representatives of the three largest shareholders. The nomination committee shall be constituted based on the shareholders’ register maintained by Euroclear Sweden as of 30 September every year and other reliable shareholder information that has been provided to the company.

In accordance with this, the following members have been appointed to serve on the Nomination Committee:

  • Peter Lindell, represents Cidro Förvaltning AB
  • Johan Martinsson, represents JCE Asset Management AB
  • Daniel Gabriel, represents Ramhill AB

The Nomination Committee represents approximately 38 per cent of the total number of company shares (votes). The above Nomination Committee will serve until a new Nomination Committee has been elected.

The Nomination Committee’s assignment is to present to the coming Annual General Meeting proposals concerning the election of the Chairman of the Board and other Board members and regarding the choice of auditors, as well as fees and other remuneration to be paid for Board assignments to each of the Board members and to the auditor. The Nomination Committee is also to submit proposals concerning the Chairman of the Annual General Meeting.

The Annual General Meeting will be held on 14 May 2025. Shareholders who wish to submit proposals to the Nomination Committee can do so, latest 31st of January 2025, by e-mail to: or by post to: Embellence Group, Valberedningen, Ryssnäsgatan 8, 504 64 Borås.

Datum 2024-10-10, kl 08:00
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