Information from the principal owners: Proposal for a new Chairman in Embellence Group AB


Magnus Welander will be proposed as new Chairman of the board. In connection with this publication, Magnus Welander has also entered into an agreement for the acquisition of 210,305 shares in the company. These shares are sold from the main owners pro rata to each owner's holdings. The principal owners also intend to propose a warrant program, the majority of which to the Chairman of the board, in connection with the 2024 annual general meeting.

*Cidro Förvaltning AB, JCE Asset Management AB, Ramhill AB, Henrik Nyqvist, Calyptra AB, Jerker Adeberg Holding AB, Sundling Wärn Capital AB, AB Sergius and Sergius Capital AB, corresponding to 50.5% of shares and votes in Embellence Group AB.

Datum 2023-11-06, kl 08:15
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