Nomination committee proposes CMC specialist to Elicera's board of directors



The Nomination Committee of Elicera Therapeutics AB (publ) proposes Sharon Longhurst as new board member. Sharon Longhurst is a specialist in CMC (Chemistry, Manufacturing and Control) and has solid experience for the development that is planned in Elicera.


Elicera informed in a press release on October 31, 2023 that a Nomination Committee was formed ahead of the annual meeting on May 16, 2024.


The Nomination Committee consists of Magnus Essand (chair), Di Yu and Jamal El-Mosleh, that together controlled 47.1 of the votes. The Nomination Committee has thus unanimously proposed a re-election of the current Board: Agneta Edberg (chair), Magnus Essand, Christina Herder and Margareth Jorvid as ordinary members and Di Yu as deputy member. Jan Zetterberg has declined re-election.


Sharon Longhurst holds a PhD in Virology from the University of Warwick and BSc in Biochemistry from the University of Surrey.


Sharon Longhurst (born 1969) has more than 20 years' experience in CMC development of biological medicinal products, specializing in Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMP). Her previous positions include VP of Development at Gadeta BV, Head of CMC at Immunicum AB (now Mendus) and Akari Therapeutics. She has also worked as a Senior Pharmaceutical Asessor at the MHRA (UK competent authority). Current assignments include Director at Advanced Biologics Consulting Ltd where she provides CMC consulting services to biotech companies.  


Sharon Longhurst is independent in relation to the senior executives of the company and major shareholders. She is, however, contracted to provide independent CMC consulting services to Elicera.


The Committee also proposes the re-election of RSM, with signatory auditor Kristoffer Håkansson.

The Nomination Committee proposes remuneration to the board. Payment of SEK 240,000 is proposed for the Chairman of the Board and SEK 120,000 is proposed for external members (eg Christina Herder, Margareth Jorvid and Sharon Longhurst). The auditor will be remunerated according to the approved offer.


The Annual General Meeting will be held on May 16, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. at the offices of Advokatfirman Delphi (Mäster Samuelsgatan 17 in Stockholm) and attorney Mats Dahlberg has been proposed to chair the Meeting.



For more information, please contact:

Jamal El-Mosleh, CEO at Elicera Therapeutics AB

Mail: Jamal.elmosleh@elicera.vom

Phone: +46 (0) 703 31 90 51




Certified Adviser

The Company’s Certified Adviser is Carnegie Investment Bank AB (publ).


The information was submitted for publication distributed through the contact person below at 12;16 CET on March 28, 2024.




About Elicera Therapeutics AB

Elicera Therapeutics AB (publ) has developed the patented gene technology platform iTANK that enables the arming of new and existing CAR T-cell therapies targeting aggressive and relapsing cancer forms. Elicera Therapeutics thereby addresses a well-defined and vast market. The company’s CAR T-cell therapies have shown a potent effect toward solid tumors which are recognized as particularly difficult to treat and constitute the majority of cancer cases. The company addresses a global multibillion market in cell therapy through its offering of non-exclusive licensing of the iTANK-platform to companies in the pharmaceutical industry. Elicera Therapeutics has four internal development projects in immune therapy that separately have the potential to generate substantial value through exclusive out-licensing agreements. The company’s share is traded on Nasdaq First North Growth Market. The company’s certified advisor is Carnegie Investment Bank AB (publ), For additional information, visit



Datum 2024-03-28, kl 12:16
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