President and CEO Yannick Fierling proposed as new Board member of AB Electrolux


As previously communicated, Yannick Fierling has succeeded Jonas Samuelson as President and CEO of AB Electrolux on January 1, 2025. As Jonas Samuelson also has resigned from the Board, Yannick Fierling is accordingly proposed as a new Board member.

The Nomination Committee's proposal means that the Board of Directors shall comprise nine ordinary members elected by the Annual General Meeting, without deputies.

The Nomination Committee's motivated statement, complete proposals, and a presentation of the proposed Board members will be published in due time before the Annual General Meeting 2025.

The Nomination Committee of AB Electrolux comprises Christian Cederholm, Investor AB (Chair), Marianne Nilsson, Swedbank Robur Funds, Anders Hansson, AMF Tjänstepension och Fonder, and Carina Silberg, Alecta. The Nomination Committee also include Torbjörn Lööf, Chair of the Board of AB Electrolux.

Datum 2025-01-28, kl 08:00
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