Ekobot finalises the sale of the Company’s business


Ekobot AB (publ) ("Ekobot" or the "Company") announces today that the Company has completed the sale to HH Agriculture Investments B.V. (the “Buyer”) of the Company’s business. The Buyer has acceded the business through its Swedish subsidiary.

In accordance with the press release published on 31 May 2024, Ekobot has today completed the sale of the Company’s business to the Buyer. In addition to the consideration that the Company has received earlier, Ekobot has today received a purchase price of EUR 125,000. The remainder of the purchase price, corresponding to EUR 50,000, will be paid in June 2024. The Buyer has acceded the business through its Swedish subsidiary.

As of 15 July 2024, Ekobot is expected to have a net cash position and very low operating costs, which is deemed sufficient for the purpose of evaluating and implementing a reverse acquisition or other structural deal.

Datum 2024-06-03, kl 22:30
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