Wicket Gaming AB - CEO Interviewed regarding the potential of a publishing deal for the game King Royale

The interview can be found at the following link (swedish): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNp-7sHxfF8

The video interview is also transcribed below:


What is a publishing deal?


 Eric De Basso: Publishing deal can mean so many different things depending on what kind of game you are producing. But in our case, it's a mobile game that we produce. King Royale is a mobile game. It's a hybrid casual. That means that we look at publishers that work in that segment. There are so many publishers out there, but our goal is to find a publisher that is a little bit of dignity.


What does a publishing deal mean for you?

For us, a publishing deal would be a game changer. We can look forward to revenue streams that could range from 1 to 15 million a month with a publishing deal behind us. This means that we automatically become cash flow positive and not just that we become cash flow positive. It gives us so many opportunities to be able to finance future acquisitions ourselves. We will not be dependent on having to bring in money from outside to be able to expand in the edtech segment, for example.


What opportunities are there for King Royale beyond a publishing deal?


King Royale has been featured by Apple, featured by Play Store. We can continue to be featured because we have such a high rating as a game. We usually somewhere between 4.6 and 4.7. We have a strong day one retention, I would say that we are fighting in the absolute top level out there. A game that can generate attraction for seven days creates a higher attraction for 30 days afterwards. We have to reach these three parameters and we know that we are strong on day one, that we are strong on day three and now we have to get that last percentage on day seven.


Link to Idle King - Google Play



Link to Idle King - App Store



For further information, please contact:

Eric de Basso, CEO, Wicket Gaming AB
E-mail: eric@wicketgaming.com  
Phone: +46 70 780 52 00


About Wicket Gaming

Wicket Gaming is a Swedish gaming and digital education company consisting of two verticals, Games and EdTech. Within the Games vertical, the business idea is based on developing and distributing free-to-play games ("F2P") within mobile games for Android and iOS. Within Edtech, the Company focuses on developing products in genres such as Game-based Learning and Serious Games, it is in these areas that Wicket Gaming has identified the greatest synergies between the Company's two verticals.

For more information, see Wicket Gaming's website www.wicketgaming.com












Datum 2023-11-17, kl 14:40
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