Dicot applies for international patent protection

Dicot has filed a patent application through the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) covering 157 countries, encompassing all key markets. The application includes relevant drug substances currently in development, their composition, and their manufacturing methods. Granted patents will provide comprehensive protection for Dicot's drug candidate, LIB-01. But the application itself already today offers indirect protection in all these markets throughout the process.

A PCT application is initially reviewed by a patent authority selected by the company. The authority's opinion then forms the basis for further handling by the respective authorities responsible for the various markets the company decides to pursue. The PCT process significantly streamlines the procedure and makes it more cost-effective, and it is used by most leading pharmaceutical companies. Dicot has chosen the European Patent Office as the first reviewing authority, which also allows for a shorter lead time regarding granted patents in Europe.

Although the USA is included in the PCT application, Dicot has also submitted the same patent application directly to the United States Patent and Trademark Office through a fast-track program called the Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH). This is done with the aim of expediting the grant of a patent in what the company considers a key market. The same patent application was previously submitted to the Swedish Patent and Registration Office, enabling the PPH application strategy.

"We work very actively with our IP strategy and have a lot in progress in this area, all to maximize the value of the company and the future drug. PCT represents a significant geographical expansion of the patent portfolio, which, together with already granted patents and other patent applications, forms a strong foundational protection for our candidate," commented Dicot's CEO, Elin Trampe.

For further information, please contact:

Elin Trampe, CEO
Phone: +46 72 502 10 10
E-mail: elin.trampe@dicot.se

About Dicot AB

Dicot is developing the drug candidate LIB-01, which will be a potency agent to better treat erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. The ambition is to create a drug with significantly longer effect and far fewer side effects, compared to current available drugs. Today, over 500 million men suffer from these sexual dysfunctions and the market is valued at USD 8 billion. Dicot's strategy is to develop LIB-01 under own auspices until phase 2a studies and thereafter in partnership with larger, established pharmaceutical companies, finance and develop LIB-01 further to a registered pharmaceutical on the world market.

Dicot is listed on Spotlight Stock Market and has approximately 4,400 shareholders. For more information, please visit www.dicot.se.

Datum 2023-09-26, kl 10:15
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