Desenio receives consent from the bondholders in the written procedure regarding extension of its bond maturity


Desenio Group AB (publ) (the “Company” or “Desenio”) initiated on 7 November 2024 a written procedure under its outstanding senior secured bonds 2020/2024 with ISIN SE0015242839 (the “Bonds”) to inter alia extend the maturity of the Bonds to 31 January 2025, with a possibility of further extension through a simplified procedure (the “Written Procedure”). The notice of the Written Procedure including a more detailed description of the proposed amendments are available on the Company’s web page.

Desenio today announces that the Written Procedure has been successfully concluded. A sufficient number of votes were obtained in order to form a quorum and all bondholders who voted, voted in favour of the proposed amendments. Accordingly, the agent, Nordic Trustee & Agency AB (publ), has today concluded the Written Procedure.

The terms and conditions of the Bonds have been amended and restated effective from today and reflects the approval of the request. The amended and restated terms and conditions will be available on the Company’s web page.

The Company will during the extension of the maturity continue its ongoing constructive dialogues with its bondholders in order to find a long-term solution for its financing.

For questions regarding the administration of the Written Procedure, please contact the Agent at or +46 8 783 79 00.

Datum 2024-12-03, kl 18:30
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