Desenio has received support for a six-week extension of its bond maturity and announces new date for Q3 report 2024


Desenio Group AB (publ) (the “Company” or “Desenio”) announces that the Company has today initiated a written procedure to inter alia extend the maturity of its outstanding senior secured bonds 2020/2024 with ISIN SE0015242839 (the “Bonds”) to 31 January 2025, with a possibility of further extension through a simplified procedure (the “Written Procedure”). The Company is currently in constructive dialogues with its bondholders for a long-term solution for its financing. To conclude the dialogues and to allow for execution of an agreement, the parties have determined that additional time is needed. The maturity extension is supported by bondholders representing approximately 67% of the adjusted nominal amount of the Bonds.

The Company has today instructed Nordic Trustee & Agency AB (publ) (the “Agent”), in its capacity of agent under the Bonds, to send a notice of Written Procedure (including voting instructions) to the direct registered owners and registered authorised nominees of the Bonds in the Company’s debt ledger held with Euroclear Sweden as per 6 November 2024. The notice of Written Procedure is available on the Company’s and the Agent’s respective websites.

The outcome of the Written Procedure will be announced by way of press release in connection with the termination of the Written Procedure. The voting record date is 14 November 2024 and the last day for voting in the Written Procedure is 3 December 2024.

For questions to the Agent regarding the administration of the Written Procedure, please contact the Agent at or +46 8 783 79 00.

As part of the ongoing dialogues the Board of Directors of Desenio has furthermore decided to postpone the publication of the quarterly report for the third quarter of 2024 further, until 28 November 2024. The previously communicated date for the report was 8 November 2024.

Datum 2024-11-07, kl 13:23
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