Cyber Security 1 AB: CYBER1 Confirms Publication Date for the 2023 Annual Report


Stockholm, Sweden – 24th April 2024 – Cyber Security 1 AB (publ) (“The Company”) (“CYBER1”) (Nasdaq First North: CYB1), has announced a revised publication date of the 24th of May, for the 2023 Annual Report.

The change in date brings the 2023 Annual Report publication in line with the Cyber Security 1 AB 2024 AGM, to be scheduled for Friday, 14th June 2024. The extension will factor in additional time to provide sufficient evaluation of one of the company’s subsidiaries and the investments undertaken.

Shareholders and key stakeholders in the interim may refer to the full year unaudited accounts, through the Q4 2023 report available on our website:

The annual report once published will be available to view on the CYBER1 website.

Datum 2024-04-24, kl 10:30
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