Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting 2024 of Curasight A/S


Today, the shareholders in Curasight passed the following resolutions at the Annual General Meeting in accordance with the agenda:

1. The Board of Directors’ report on the Company’s activities in the preceding financial year

The general meeting toke note of the Board of Directors’ report on the Company’s activities in 2023.

2. Presentation and approval of the annual report

The general meeting adopted the Company’s annual report for 2023 unanimously with all votes represented at the general meeting.

3. Appropriation of profit or covering of loss as recorded in the adopted annual report

The general meeting adopted the proposal to carry forward the result for 2023 to the next year according to the adopted annual report for 2023 with all votes represented at the general meeting.

4. Election of members to the Board of Directors

The general meeting re-elected Per Falholt, Lars Trolle, Kirsten Aarup Drejer, Charlotte Vedel, Andreas Kjaer and Ulrich Krasilnikoff as members of the Board of Directors with consent of all votes represented at the general meeting.

5. Election of auditor

PricewaterhouseCoopers Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab was re-elected as the Company’s auditor with consent of all votes represented at the general meeting.

6. Proposed resolutions, if any, from the Board of Directors and/or the shareholders of the Company.

6.1 Authorisations to the Board of Directors to increase the Company's share      capital

A proposal from the Board of Directors to amend and extend the authorizations in the Company's Articles of Association was unanimously adopted with all votes represented at the general meeting. Consequently, the Company's Articles of Association will be updated to incorporate the following new sections:

5 Bemyndigelser Authorisations
5.1 Bemyndigelser til forhøjelse af aktiekapitalen Authorisations to increase of the share capital
5.1.1 Selskabets bestyrelse er bemyndiget til i perioden til og med 21. marts 2028 ad en eller flere gange at forhøje selskabets aktiekapital med op til i alt nominelt kr. 298.408,365 aktier. Kapitalforhøjelser skal ske ved fuld kontant betaling og med fortegningsret for selskabets eksisterende aktionærer til en kurs fastsat af bestyrelsen, der kan være under markedskursen på tidspunktet for bestyrelsens beslutning. Until and including 21 March 2028, the board of directors shall be authorised to increase the Company's share capital in one or more issues by up to a total nominal amount of DKK 298,408.365 shares. Capital increases must be paid up in full in cash with pre-emption right for the company's existing shareholders at a price determined by the board of directors, which may be below market price at the time of the decision of the board of directors.
5.1.2 Selskabets bestyrelse er bemyndiget til i perioden til og med 21. marts 2028 ad en eller flere gange at forhøje selskabets aktiekapital med op til i alt nominelt kr. 298.408,365 aktier. Kapitalforhøjelser kan ske ved fuld kontant betaling, ved indbetaling af andre værdier end kontanter (apportindskud) eller ved konvertering af gæld eller som en kombination heraf. Kapitalforhøjelser skal ske til en kurs, der fastsættes af bestyrelsen, der kan være under markedskursen på tidspunktet for bestyrelsens beslutning, og skal ske uden fortegningsret for selskabets eksisterende aktionærer. Until and including 21 March 2028, the board of directors shall be authorised to increase the Company's share capital in one or more issues by up to a total nominal amount of DKK 298,408.365 shares. Capital increases may be carried out by payment in full of cash contribution, in-kind contribution of assets other than cash (contribution in kind) or through conversion of debt or a combination thereof. Capital increases shall be effected at a price to be determined by the board of directors, which may be below market price at the time of the decision of the board of directors, and without pre-emption right for the existing shareholders.
5.1.3 Bemyndigelserne i pkt. 5.1.1 og 5.1.2 kan tilsammen ikke overstige nominelt kr. 298.408,365 aktier. The authorisations set out in articles 5.1.1 and 5.1.2 cannot, in the aggregate, exceed a nominal amount of DKK 298,408.365 shares.
5.1.4 For de nye aktier udstedt i henhold til pkt. 5.1.1 og/eller 5.1.2 skal gælde de samme vilkår som for de eksisterende aktier i Selskabet. Aktierne skal udstedes på navn, skal noteres på navn i selskabets ejerbog og skal være omsætningspapirer. Aktierne skal være underkastet de samme regler om fortegningsret, stemmeret og indløselighed som de eksisterende aktier. De nye aktier skal give aktionæren ret til udbytte og andre rettigheder i Selskabet fra tidspunktet for registrering i Erhvervsstyrelsen. New shares issued in accordance with article 5.1.1 and/or article 5.1.2 shall be subject to the same terms as the existing shares in the Company. The shares shall be issued in the name of the shareholder, recorded in the name of the shareholder in the Company's shareholders’ register and shall be negotiable instruments. The shares shall be subject to the same rules on pre-emption rights, voting rights and redeemability as the existing shares. The new shares shall confer on the shareholder a right to receive dividends and other rights and privileges in the Company as from the date of registration with the Danish Business Authority.
(As the Articles of Association are available in a Danish and an English version it should be noted that the Danish version is to prevail in case of any discrepancies between the two versions.)

  1. 6.2 Authorisation to the chairman of the meeting

The general meeting adopted a resolution to authorise the chairman of the meeting Rasmus Schou Pedersen to apply for registration of the resolutions passed and to make certain amendments, if necessary.


The Company's new articles of association will be published on the Company’s website once they have been registered with the Danish Business Authority, and likewise, the minutes of the Annual General Meeting will also be made available on the website.

At a board meeting held immediately after the Annual General Meeting, Per Falholt was re-elected as chairman and Lars Trolle vice-chairman of the Board of Directors.

Datum 2024-03-21, kl 12:30
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