CTEK appoints Steven Jenkins Chief Technology Officer

Steven Jenkins has extensive experience in product development, mainly in the automotive industry, consumer products and innovation companies. Steven most recently came from a position as CTO/ Executive Vice President of Veoneer Active Safety Integration where he was responsible for the company's technology strategy and product portfolio in driver assistance systems (ADAS). He has also previously worked at Motorola Mobility and Configura, where he held a number of leading roles in product development. Steven, originally from Birmingham, UK but living in Sweden for more than 20 years, has a degree in computer science from Bradford University.

- I am delighted to welcome Steven Jenkins to the newly established role of CTO at CTEK. Steven's many years of experience running multinational product development organizations in complex areas will be essential to CTEK's success over time, says Henrik Fagrenius, President and CEO of CTEK.

- I am excited for my new role at CTEK, a company with a long history of innovative product development, said Steven Jenkins, new CTO at CTEK.

Datum 2023-11-01, kl 09:00
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