CS MEDICA receives 2 MDKK to support its short-term financial obligations.


LHX Invest has concluded an agreement with ProArk, securing funding of 2 MDKK to CS MEDICA. The Agreement is based on the following terms;

  • As collateral for the funding, LHX Invest, owned by Lone Henriksen, CEO of CS MEDICA has transferred 1,333,333 common shares of CS MEDICA to ProArk.
  • CS MEDICA must within 8 months, pay ProArk 4 MDKK, (giving an effective interest rate of 100%) to get the shares back, ensuring the shares in full are returned to LHX Invest. If payments are not secured the shares will fall to ProArk.

Gitte Lund Henriksen, CFO of CS MEDICA, stated, "While this is an expensive solution, it reinforces our commitment to achieving our strategic objectives and allows us to avoid dilution of our shares. This injection of 2 million DKK is crucial for supporting our immediate financial needs."

Datum 2024-05-28, kl 17:14
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