Crown Energy AB (publ): Chairman no longer represents the owner Cement Fund SCSp

Crown Energy AB (publ) (“Crown Energy” or “the Company”) wishes to inform that the Company’s Chairman, Pierre-Emmanuel Weil no longer represents the Company’s second largest owner, Cement Fund SCSp. Pierre-Emmanuel, who was proposed and elected to the Company’s board on the recommendation of the main owner YBE Ventures Ltd, controlled by board member and CEO Yoav Ben-Eli, has served as Chairman since 2016.
“Pierre-Emmanuel, who was elected as Chairman of Crown Energy on his own merits, has been and continues to be an important part of our team in our transition from the oil and gas industry to sustainable high tech and green tech investments. Him no longer representing Cement Fund SCSp will not affect his role as Chairman of Crown Energy,” says Yoav Ben-Eli, board member and CEO of Crown Energy AB."

Datum 2024-08-19, kl 16:30
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