Creturner Group Status Update - Focus on Sales and Partnerships

Creturner Group's CEO, Joakim Erlandson, gives a status update on Creturner's way forward.

Dear shareholders,

Now most people have come back from vacation and we at Creturner want to give you as a shareholder or partner an update on all the exciting things that are happening within the Creturner Group.  
Apart from a few days of rest, we at Creturner have been very active throughout the summer. 
The summer period is usually a period where activities go at low speed, but from our side we can happily note that a lot of dialogues have been able to continue despite the summer time. 

Many of Creturner's shareholders get in touch with me and we think it is fantastic that we have such committed investors. Through this update, we want to answer some recurring questions. We also tell you about the upcoming newsletter, an initiative that we are initiating in collaboration with the media agency Advisory. We communicated the collaboration with Advisory a while ago and we are now working together to chisel out the forms for increased presence, visibility and improved communication. 

Many of you are wondering about the agreements we have entered into, both Swedish and international. 
All agreements entered into are very much alive and still apply based on what has been communicated. If an agreement had been terminated, it would have been communicated, in line with our information policy. 

However, the lesson we have learned is that it takes time for organizations to implement third party products. More time than both we and our partners initially thought. When an agreement between us and a retailer/partner is signed (in this case, carbon offsetting to end customers), many functions within the company must be involved and synchronized with each other. 
Activating sales, engineering and finance departments takes time. But, as previously stated, all agreements entered into are still valid and point to a positive business outlook. 

We currently have sales partnerships with several players who process the Swedish market and we are looking for more good partnerships. In addition to these partners, as CEO I have invested a large part of my time in sales work.
Since many processes that took time during the spring are now completed, I have freed up even more time for processing end customers and more strategic partners / collaborations. Together with these partners, a number of interesting meetings and exciting follow-ups are planned. The fall will be productive with a strong focus on sales.

Internationally, Daniel Moström, founder and chairman of the board, has a wide network of contacts and has several dialogues in progress. The hot summer that has plagued large parts of the world has increased interest in Creturner's solution even more. Internationally, we therefore see a tangible interest from both partners and potential strategic stakeholders. Our confirmed and agreed international collaborations therefore feel both safe and exciting with a focus on increased sales and growth here as well. 

Another issue that I am pleased to say is of great interest is our business area in HPC.
We will include a great deal about this business area in future reports. In HPC, we have humbly learned the lessons of time and implementation.

HPC is very complex and has an initial stretch before you can see revenues being generated. Our view on this part of the business has not changed. We have received many positive signals recently. We are continuing on the path we have taken and see the potential to scale up.

Since we chose Advisory as our new media agency, we have had a close and developing contact - something that has meant further work on Creturner's content and together we have also set the foundations for the new communication plan. Through the newsletter, you will have the chance to get to know our employees, meet some of our customers, follow the company's development more closely and we will also share relevant articles that concern the industry in which we operate. In addition to the newsletter, Advisory is in full swing creating new mobile media. Something that we produce for both us and our partners. This can best be described as short commercials adapted for digital and social channels. Keep your eyes open and feel free to help us share/distribute these films when they come out for increased knowledge and awareness of Creturner's solutions.

Much of the underlying work that was needed to be in place is now in place. 
This means that we can have an even greater focus on processing customers, partners or opinion formation in the industry in which we operate. We who work at and with Creturner look forward to an exciting fall together with your shareholders and partners!

In addition to regulatory press releases, we will now continuously update you all on our ongoing work. We know that many are interested in what is happening at Creturner and it is our absolute ambition to try to meet this desire. Our first newsletter will be sent out in a few weeks. See you soon!

CEO - Joakim Erlandson 
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Facts about Creturner Group
Creturner Group AB is a group with two business areas in environmental technology.
The digital part is a technical calculation business that is expanding to strengthen its long-term potential and create a presence in the rapidly growing market for calculation capacity. The company has its own facilities in Sweden with its own energy production to reduce raw material costs and environmental impact.
The environmental technology division offers corporate customers an efficient and permanent method of carbon offsetting their operations. The method is based on Bio-CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage), which involves converting residual biomass into the element carbon and depositing it to reduce the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. Creturner's corporate customers can then purchase carbon offsets in the same way as traditional carbon offsets such as tree planting. Unlike tree planting, Creturner's method is immediate, permanent and clearly measurable. The follow-up is done through linked smart contracts that give the customer insight into the outcome and future financial returns from the environmental investment.
Contact details
For further information please contact:
Joakim Erlandson, CEO of Creturner Group AB (publ) on +46-70-855 52 55 or via email
Adress: Taptogatan 6, 115 27 STOCKHOLM, Sweden
Creturner Group AB (publ) org: 559152-3013

Datum 2023-08-18, kl 08:30
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