Copperstone Resources

Main Hearing on environmental permit begins

Today, the main hearing begins in the Land and Environmental Court at Umeå District Court to process Copperstone's application for a permit under the Environmental Code for a reopening of the Viscaria copper mine in Kiruna. The main hearing is expected to last about three weeks.

During the main hearing, Copperstone will give an account of the content of the environmental permit application, while the authorities and others present will be given the opportunity to ask questions and provide comments. The judgment is normally announced within two months after the main hearing has ended. An appeal must be lodged within three weeks before the judgment becomes final. Appeals can be made to the Land and Environment Court of Appeal and then to the Supreme Court. Both an appeal to the Land and Environmental Court of Appeal and to the Supreme Court require leave to appeal.

"We expect the judgment to be appealed and have factored it into our timetable for a reopening in 2026. We hope that we can obtain a so-called execution order, which we also applied for in our environmental permit application, which will allow us to start relevant activities before the judgment becomes final. A possible appeal means that the verdict could become final in the second half of this year at the earliest," says Jörgen Olsson, CEO of Copperstone Resources.

Copperstone's documents in the matter are published on the company's website under the Permit Portal tab

Datum 2024-01-30, kl 08:00
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