Copperstone Resources




  • Net sales amounted to KSEK 0 (0).
  • Profit for the period amounted to KSEK -4,237 (-3,696).
  • Earnings per share before and after dilution amounted to SEK 0 (0).
  • The Group's cash flow for the period amounted to KSEK -82,539 (-47,689).


  • Net sales amounted to KSEK 0 (0).
  • Profit for the period for January-September amounted to KSEK -20,122 (-12,828).
  • Earnings per share before and after dilution amounted to SEK -0.01 (-0.01).
  • The Group's cash flow for the period amounted to KSEK 23,274 (61,575). The company's cash position was strengthened by KSEK 266 000, before issue costs, through a new share issue in June.
  • The assets for capitalized exploration expenses amounted to KSEK 835,980 as of September 30, 2023 (639,503 as of December 31, 2022).
  • Cash and cash equivalents amounted to KSEK 352,427 as of September 30, 2023 (329,153 as of December 31, 2022).
  • Equity increased by 25.4 percent and amounted to KSEK 1,237,493 as of 30 September 2023 (986,551 as of 31 December 2022).
  • Total assets as of September 30, 2023, amounted to KSEK 1,320,896 (1,063,693 as of December 31, 2022).


  • On August 14, it was announced that Henrik Ager will leave his position as CEO. In September, Henrik Ager was elected new member of Copperstone's Board of Directors.
  • The Board of Directors appointed Jörgen Olsson as CEO of Copperstone, a position he took up on September 4, 2023. Jörgen Olsson had been executive Chairman of the Board since 2020. In connection with Jörgen Olsson taking over as CEO, Board member Per Colleen was appointed new Chairman of the Board.
  • Copperstone is preparing to change listing from First North Growth Market to a listing on Nasdaq Stockholm, which is expected to take place around the turn of the year.


  • On October 19, changes to Group Management were announced. Anna Tyni was appointed deputy CEO. Peter Wihlborg was appointed new Head of Environment and Sustainability and Christopher Wikman new Head of Mine, as a result of natural succession. At the same time, Tove Thelin Täckdal, Head of Enrichment, and Thomas Nordmark, Head of Infrastructure and Logistics, joined Group Management. Anders Lundqvist, former Head of Sustainability, and Glenn Nilsson, former Head of Mine, will continue to work with the company and their long experience will continue to be valuable for Copperstone.

“Our solid work to reopen the Viscaria copper mine continued with high energy in the third quarter of the year. In the beginning of 2024, we aim to take important steps by presenting a pre-feasibility study and obtaining an environmental permit. During the quarter, we have worked on several parallel tracks to best achieve these important milestones. We want to be ready to start mining and have as good knowledge of the ore bodies as possible when the mine eventually opens,” said Jörgen Olsson, CEO Copperstone Resources

Datum 2023-11-07, kl 07:30
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