Year-end report January-December 2023 CombiGene AB (Publ)


October – December 2023
• Net sales: TSEK 596 (5,346).
• Other operating revenues: TSEK 875 (579).
• Profit from financial items: TSEK -6,360 (-11,942).
• Earnings per share: SEK -0.32 (-0.60).

January – December 2023
• Net sales: TSEK 5,544 (26,699).
• Other operating revenues: TSEK 1,464 (14,548).
• Profit from financial items: TSEK -35,665 (-6,157).
• Earnings per share: SEK -1.80 (-0.31).
• Cash and cash equivalents: TSEK 101,440 (131,777).

Events during quarter 4
• Spark Therapeutics terminates collaboration agreement for the epilepsy project CG01 with CombiGene.
• CombiGene and Zyneyro choose initial indication in the COZY01 pain project.
• CombiGene chooses Charles River as preclinical toxicology partner for COZY01 pain project.
• Eurostars contributes SEK 8,7 million to the financing of the COZY01 pain project.

Events after the end of the year
• CombiGene regains the global rights to the epilepsy project CG01.
• CombiGene discontinues the preclinical development of the lipodystrophy project CGT2.

Datum 2024-02-16, kl 11:40
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