Warrants of series TO 1 exercised to a degree of approximately 45 per cent and Coala Life receives approximately SEK 6.2 million


Coala-Life Group AB (publ) (“Coala Life” or the “Company”) today announces the outcome of the exercise of warrants of series TO 1 (the “Warrants”), which were issued in conjunction with the Company’s rights issue of units during the first quarter of 2023. In total, 74,803,059 Warrants were exercised for the subscription of 24,934,353 new shares at a subscription price of SEK 0.25 per share, corresponding to an exercise rate of approximately 45 per cent. Through the exercise of Warrants, the Company will receive approximately SEK 6.2 million before issue costs.

The exercise period for the Warrants ran from September 11, 2023, until and including September 22, 2023. Three (3) Warrants entitled the holder to subscribe for one (1) new share in Coala Life at a subscription price of SEK 0.25 per share. In total, 74,803,059 Warrants were exercised, corresponding to approximately 45 per cent of all Warrants, for subscription of a total of 24,934,353 new share in the Company. Through the exercise of Warrants, Coala Life receives approximately SEK 6.2 million before issue costs, which will amount to approximately SEK 0.68 million.

Subscribers of new shares through the exercise of Warrants receive interim shares (IS) in anticipation of the registration of the new shares with the Swedish Companies Registration Office (Bolagsverket). The conversion of interim shares to shares is estimated to occur within three weeks.

Number of shares, votes, and share capital
Through the exercise of Warrants, the total number of shares and votes in Coala Life will increase by 24,934,353, from 289,198,447 to 314,132,800 shares and votes. The share capital will increase with SEK 6,233,588.25, from SEK 72,299,711.75 to SEK 78,533,200. For current shareholders that have not exercised any Warrants, the dilution amounts to approximately 7.94 per cent based on the total number of outstanding shares in Coala Life after the exercise of Warrants.

Redeye AB acts as financial advisor, Setterwalls Advokatbyrå AB acts as legal advisor, and Nordic Issuing acts as issuing agent in connection with the exercise of the Warrants.

The information in this press release does not contain or constitute an offer to acquire, subscribe or otherwise trade in shares, warrants or other securities in the Company. An invitation to the persons concerned to subscribe for units consisting of shares in the Company and Warrants has only been made through the prospectus and supplementary prospectus approved by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (Sw. Finansinspektionen) and published on February 6, 2023 and February 14, 2023, respectively.

Datum 2023-09-25, kl 18:00
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