Extraordinary general meeting held in Coala-Life Group AB (publ)


At the extraordinary general meeting in Coala-Life Group AB (publ) (the “Company”) held today, on 31 July 2023, the following resolutions were passed in accordance with the proposals presented in the notice to attend the meeting and the complete proposals kept available on the Company’s website www.coalalife.com.

The extraordinary general meeting resolved to:

  • approve of the board of directors’ resolution on new issue of no more than 34,210,530 shares with deviation from the shareholders’ preferential rights to 20 North Street CO AB, Otiva J/F AB, Åke Sundvall Holding AB, eQ Asset Management Oy, Nils-Holger Olsson and Coolax Holding AB
  • approve of the board of directors’ resolution on new issue of no more than 10,526,316 shares with deviation from the shareholders’ preferential rights to the Company’s CEO Dan Pitulia (through a pension insurance).

The subscription price per new share amounted to SEK 0.38, corresponding to the volume weighted average price (WVAP) of the Company's share on Nasdaq First North Growth Market rounded to the nearest whole number of Swedish öre (SEK 0.01) during a period of ten (10) trading days immediately preceding, and including, 10 July 2023 (which was the last whole trading day before the board of director's resolutions on new issue of shares subject to the subsequent approval of the general meeting).

All 44,736,846 issued shares have been subscribed, paid and allotted and the Company has received proceeds of SEK 17.0 million before deduction of transaction costs, mainly consisting of fees for legal advice and costs related to practical management.

Through the new issues of shares, the number of outstanding shares and votes increases by 44,736,846, from 244,461,601 to 289,198,447. The share capital increases by SEK 11,184,211.50, from SEK 61,115,400.25 to SEK 72,299,611.75.

Datum 2023-07-31, kl 10:30
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