Final Subscription Price for Subscription of Class B Shares Through Exercise of Warrants of Series 2023:U Determined – Subscription Period Starts Today, June 3, 2024


The subscription price for subscription of class B shares through exercise of the warrants of series 2023:U (the "Warrants") issued in connection with Climeon AB's (publ) ("Climeon" or the "Company") rights issue of units during the fourth quarter of 2023 (the "Rights Issue") has been determined. The subscription price for the Warrants is SEK 0.55. Each Warrant entitles the holder to subscribe for one new class B-share in Climeon. The subscription period commences today, 3 June 2024 and runs until 17 June 2024.

Overview of the terms for the Warrants and important dates
The subscription price for a class B share subscribed for by exercising the Warrants has been set at SEK 0.55 and corresponds, in accordance with the terms of the Warrants, to 70 percent of the volume weighted average price (VWAP) of the Company's class B-share on Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market during the measurement period running from and including 20 May 2024 up to and including 31 May 2024. The subscription period commences on Monday, 3 June 2024 and runs until 17 June 2024. Warrants that are not exercised for subscription will lapse without value. For warrant holders who do not intend to exercise the Warrants, there is the possibility to sell the Warrants at market value.
The full terms and conditions of the Warrants are available on the Company's website,
Trading in the Warrants
The Warrants are admitted to trading on Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market under the ticker CLIME TO 1 B and with ISIN SE0021020765. The last day of trading in the Warrants will be 12 June 2024.
Warrants registered with nominees
For warrant holders who hold their Warrants in a custody account, investment savings account or endowment insurance (nominee-registered ownership), subscription and payment are made through the nominee who provides further instructions on how the Warrants can be utilized for subscription of class B shares. The warrant holder should contact its nominee well in advance of the end of the subscription period for further instructions, as nominees have different procedures and processing times.
Holders with directly registered Warrants (securities account, Sw. VP-konto)
Application for subscription is made via an application form available on the Company's website, and DNB Bank ASA, filial i Sverige website, A pre-printed application form has been sent to directly registered warrant holders. Payment is made according to instructions on the application form. Both the application form and payment must be received by DNB Bank ASA, Sweden branch no later than 15:00 on 17 June 2024.
For more information, please contact:
Lena Sundquist, CEO Climeon
+46 708 34 52 28
Carl Arnesson, CFO Climeon
+46 700 80 75 00
About Climeon AB (publ)
Climeon is a Swedish product company operating within the energy technology sector. Climeon's proprietary technology, the Climeon HeatPower system, uses an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) process to convert low-temperature heat into clean, carbon free electricity. Providing access to dependable and cost-effective sustainable power, HeatPower enables industries to increase energy efficiency, decrease fuel consumption, and reduce emissions. As a non-weather-dependent source of green energy, HeatPower has the potential to diversify and safeguard the renewable energy mix and, therefore, accelerate the global transition to a net-zero future. Climeon's B shares are listed on the Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market. FNCA Sweden AB is a Certified Adviser. Learn more at
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Datum 2024-06-03, kl 07:30
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