Climeon’s Nomination Committee For The Annual General Meeting 2025


The nomination committee of Climeon AB (publ) for the Annual General Meeting 2025 (AGM) is hereby announced.

The nomination committee consists of the following representatives appointed by the four largest shareholders, based on voting rights, as per 31 of August 2024:

  • Peter Lindell, representing himself and the shareholder Cidro Förvaltning (17,4% of the votes and 19,8% of the shares as per 31 August 2024), Chairperson of the nomination committee.
  •  Thomas Öström, representing himself (15,3% of the votes and 3,7% of the shares as per 31 August 2024).
  •  Björn Wasing, appointed by SEB-Stiftelsen, Skandinaviska Enskilda Bankens Pensionsstiftelse (4,9% of the votes and 5,6% of the shares as per 31 August 2024)
  •  Olle Bergström, representing himself (1,1% of the votes and 1,2% of the shares as per 31 August 2024)

The Nomination Committee has been appointed in accordance with the instructions for the Nomination Committee adopted at the Annual General Meeting 2023, pursuant to which the Chairman of the Board, during September, has contacted the four largest shareholders, based on shareholders data from Euroclear Sweden AB, as per 31 August 2024 and asked them whether they want to appoint a representative to the nomination committee. In the event that a shareholder does not wish to appoint a representative the next largest shareholder has been asked. The nomination committee will appoint one of its members as Chairman.

A list of the largest shareholders of Climeon as per 31 August 2024 is available at the company’s website:

The nomination committee is amongst other expected to present to the AGM their proposals with regards to the number of Board members, the composition of the Board, the Chairman of the Board, election of auditor, Board members’ and auditor’s fees as well as the Chairman at the AGM in accordance with what is further stipulated in the Swedish Corporate Governance Code.
Shareholders who wish to submit proposals to the nomination committee are welcome to contact the nomination committee via e-mail, Proposals shall be submitted in due time before the AGM 2025 to ensure that the proposals can be considered by the nomination committee. Time and location for the AGM 2025 will be announced later.

Datum 2024-10-28, kl 11:45
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