Announcement from Climeon AB (publ) Extraordinary General Meeting on October 26, 2023


The shareholders of Climeon AB (publ) held an Extraordinary General Meeting at Kista Gate's premises on Thursday, October 26, 2023. The following is a summary of the most important decisions made at the Extraordinary General Meeting.

Amendment of the Company's Articles of Association
The EGM resolved in accordance with the Board of Directors' proposal to amend the provisions of the Articles of Association under item 4 – Limits of the share capital, item 5 – Number of shares and item 6 – Class of shares.

Authorization of the Board of Directors to resolve on new issues of Class B shares etc.
The EGM resolved, in accordance with the Board of Directors' proposal to authorize the Board of Directors, during the period until the next Annual General Meeting, to resolve on new issues of Class B shares and/or warrants with the right to subscribe for Class B shares without deviation from the shareholders' preferential rights and to resolve on the issue of Class B shares with deviation from the shareholders' preferential rights. Resolutions based on the authorization without deviation from the shareholders' preferential rights may be made with a maximum of the total number of shares and warrants that may be issued without amendment of the articles of association adopted at any given time. Resolutions based on the authorization to issue Class B shares with deviation from the shareholders' preferential rights may not exceed an increase in the share capital of 9 percent based on the total share capital of the Company at the time of the general meeting.

 For further information, please visit the company's website or contact:

Lena Sundquist, CEO, Climeon
+46 708 345 228

Datum 2023-10-26, kl 15:35
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