Clean Industry Solutions

Bulletin from Clean Industry Solutions Holding Europe AB's Annual General Meeting 2024


Results- and balance sheets
The Company's results and balance sheets were approved by the AGM and its was resolved that no dividend is to be paid for the financial year 2023. The board of directors and the CEO were discharged from liability for the financial year 2023.
Resolution of number of board members and auditors
The AGM resolved, in accordance with the nomination committee's proposal, that the number of board members shall be six with no deputy board members. The AGM further resolved, in accordance with the nomination committee's proposal, that the Company shall have one auditor with no deputy auditor.
Resolution regarding the board's and the auditor's fees
The AGM resolved, in accordance with the nomination committee's proposal, that the remuneration shall be SEK 130,000 to be paid to the chairman of the board plus SEK 40,000 for office expenses and SEK 47,300 to each of the other ordinary board members. It was further resolved, in accordance with the nomination committee's proposal, that remuneration to the auditor shall be paid in accordance with the approved invoice.
Election of board members
The AGM resolved to elect the board members in accordance with the nomination committee's proposal. Finn Johnsson (re-election) was elected chairman of the board. Christian Zahler (re-election), Markus Augustsson (re-election), Korbinian Kramer (re-election), Marie-Louise Olsson Dawwas (re-election) and Rebecca Schwantes (re-election) were elected as members of the board. The AGM further resolved, in accordance with the nomination committee's proposal, to re-elect Finnhammars as the Company's auditor for the period until the end of the next Annual General Meeting.
Resolution on authorization for the board to issue shares, warrants and/or convertibles
The AGM resolved, in accordance with the board of directors- proposal, to authorize the board of directors to, at one or more occasions during the period up to the next Annual General Meeting, decide to increase the Company's share capital within the limits of the Articles of Association through a new issue of a shares, warrants or convertibles.
Resolution regarding liquidation of the Company
The AGM resolved, in accordance with the board of directors' proposal, that the Company shall enter into voluntary liquidation in accordance with Chapter 25, Section 3 of the Swedish Companies Act and that the resolution regarding voluntary liquidation shall enter into force on the day of resolution by the AGM.
With current circumstances taken into account, the estimated size of the distribution proceeds may amount to approximately SEK 2 - 3 million. Estimated time for final distribution of assets is Q2 2025.
Emma Berglund Uväng, lawyer at Advokatfirman Schjødt, was elected as liquidator. Emma Berglund Uväng has declared her willingness to accept the assignment as liquidator.

Datum 2024-06-28, kl 15:34
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