Clean Industry Solutions

Bulletin from Clean Industry Solutions Holding Europe AB Extraordinary General Meeting 2023


Decision regarding Amendment of Articles of Association

The meeting resolved to adopt the amendment of the Articles of Association with the following wording:

§ 4 Share capital and number of shares 

The minimum share capital is SEK 2 500 000 and the maximum share capital is SEK 10 000 000. 
The minimum number of shares is 25 000 000 and the maximum number of shares is 100 000 000.

Decision on authorization for the board to issue shares

According to the notice convening the EGM, the meeting resolved to authorize the board of directors, until the next AGM, on one or more occasions and with or without the preferential rights of the shareholders, to make decisions on new issues of shares, warrants and convertibles.

All decisions were made unanimously. / The Board 

Datum 2023-08-08, kl 16:35
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