Clavister and PandionAI Announce the Launch of the S.E.C.U.R.E. Project

Oct 11, Örnsköldsvik, Sweden – Clavister, a leader in European cyber security for mission-critical applications and PandionAI, an innovative Space start-up announce the launch of the S.E.C.U.R.E. Project (‘Space Edge Computing with Unassailable and Robust Enforcement’) funded by Swedish National Space Agency (Rymdstyrelsen).

S.E.C.U.R.E. addresses the intersection between earth observation technology, cyber security and space operations. Clavister is the cyber security partner in this project, enhancing the security and reliability of PandionAI’s Alert Satellite System (AlertSat). For S.E.C.U.R.E., Clavister will strengthen AlertSat's defense against emerging cyber threats using its AI-based cyber security solution. This includes proactive threat detection, autonomous response, and ongoing system improvement.

The SECURE project is expected to advance cybersecurity in space, safeguarding satellite infrastructure, data integrity, and availability while preparing for evolving cyber threats. The multidisciplinary approach is unique, fostering collaboration between space industry stakeholders, cybersecurity experts, and AI engineers.

The project follows a two-phase approach. Phase one assesses the space technology threat landscape to inform on the development of security practices and mechanisms. Phase two involves creating a testing model for AlertSat, enabling continued development of AlertSat to ensure its resilience and performance.

About PandionAI

PandionAI secures the needs of timely AI-driven intelligence on-board AlertSat, to empower end users with customize alerts when relevant events are detected. Their mission is to bridge the gap between space and users, enhancing safety, transparency, and rapid information delivery for informed decision-making.

For more information about PandionAI, please see:

To get in touch with PandionAI, contact:

Datum 2023-10-11, kl 13:20
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