Clas Ohlson's sales increased in June compared to the previous year


Sales including Spares Group amounted to 853 MSEK (748). Compared to the same month last year the store network has increased by 12 stores. At the end of the period, the total number of stores was 233 (221).

Distribution of sales Month Accumulated
June Change May-June Change
MSEK 2024/25 SEK Organic 2024/25 SEK Organic
Sweden 379 11% 11% 748 11% 11%
Norway 331 2% 3% 654 11% 9%
Finland 78 -3% 0% 158 3% 3%
Spares 64 - - 140 - -
Total 853 14% 6% 1,701 20% 10%

Total sales for the period May–June 2024, excluding the acquired Spares Group, increased by 10 per cent to 1,561 MSEK (1,418). Organic sales increased by 10 per cent compared to the previous year. Sales in comparable units and local currency increased by 6 per cent compared to the previous year.

Sales including Spares Group amounted to 1,701 MSEK (1,418).

Kristofer Tonström, CEO and President: We increased sales above our long-term growth target also in the second month of the financial year. Sales in comparable units increased by 3 per cent and organic sales growth was 6 per cent. The work to increase the relevance of the product offering was continuously successful with a sales increase broadly distributed across the assortment with growth in four of five prioritised product niches. We are now continuing our work on our various growth initiatives to maintain the positive momentum we have created. Given challenges in the external environment, among other things related to currency effects, our focus on creating efficiency and competitiveness at all levels remains of great importance.

For further information, please contact: 
Niklas Carlsson, Head of Communications and Investor Relations, +46 247 444 29,

This is information that Clas Ohlson AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. This information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 7:00 a.m. CET on 5 July 2024.

Datum 2024-07-05, kl 07:00
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