Christian Berner Tech Trade

Christian Berner Tech Trade AB (publ) creates Sustainability Committee

The board of Directors of Christian Berner Tech Trade AB (publ) have decided to create a Sustainability Committee.

Sustainability is a part of the operations and business development of the Group. The board of of Christian Berner Tech Trade have decided to create a Sustainability Committee to further strengthen the strategic sustainability efforts of the group. The purpose of the committee is to support the Groups development of sustainable business models and ideas as well as sustainability reporting. Additionally, to raise the ambition level of the Group even further within sustainability and ensure that sustainable entrepreneurship is a part of the organizational culture.

The committee consists of Stina Wollenius (chair), Kerstin Gillsbro and Joachim Berner. Caroline Reuterskiöld and Henrik Nordin are co-opted members.

For additional information please contact
Joachim Berner, Chairman of the board Christian Berner Tech Trade AB
Caroline Reuterskiöld, CEO Christian Berner Tech Trade AB
031-33 66 900,

Datum 2023-07-26, kl 08:00
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