Second Quarter Report Q2-2024


Cessatech A/S (“Cessatech” or the “Company”) today releases its results for the period 1 April – 30 June 2024. The second quarter report is available as an attached document to this press release and on under Investor/Filings & Reports. 

Second quarter financial results 2024 (1 April - 30 June):

  • Net revenue was KDKK 0
  • Operating result was KDKK -5.382
  • Net result was KDKK -3.435
  • Cash at bank end of the period was KDKK 9.896
  • Earnings per share* was KDKK -0,20
  • Solidity** was 92%

*Earnings per share (DKK per share): Operating result divided by the average number of shares during the period. The total number of shares as of 30 June 2024 amounted to 17.425.094 shares, the average number of shares during the second quarter was 17.425.094
**Solidity: Total equity divided by total capital and liability

Comment from CEO, Jes Trygved:
Our main focus has still been the planning and preparation for the US launch of CT001, which is now planned for the 2nd half of 2024, as the US partners are pending a few local approvals but overall is still looks very promising and we are all eager to get started with the Early Access Program. We are also pleased to have initiated the Paediatric Safety Study 0202, which has made good progress, and which is the final clinical trial before we can prepare for regulatory submission for CT001. Again, a big effort from the Cessatech team and its collaboration partners.  

Datum 2024-08-21, kl 08:30
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