Catena begins development of Logistics Position Söderåsen

10 October 2023, 8.00 a.m. CEST

Catena has owned the Vrams Gunnartorp 1:15 property in Bjuv municipality for some time. The property is located in an excellent logistics location close to the E4 motorway, with quick access to the E6 motorway and it comprises a total land area of 565,000 square meters. The zoning plan for the area has now gained legal force, which opens up for the establishment of sustainable and efficient logistics facilities that can enable 2000 new jobs.

- We look forward to getting started on developing the area and establishing Logistics Position Söderåsen. The site will play an important role as a hub in the logistics network that supplies Scandinavia with goods and products, says Catena's CEO Jörgen Eriksson.

- It is fantastic news that the plan is finally gaining legal force. The new logistics facility is not only fantastic news for Bjuv municipality with even more job opportunities, but also of significance to the entire region. I welcome Catena and look forward to them submitting a building permit application shortly, says Mikael Henrysson, Chairman of the Municipal Executive Board. 

Logistics facilities should be attractive workplaces where people thrive. When building, Catena therefore sets high standards and works with certifications as a tool to ensure robust and resilient buildings. Measures to minimize the CO2 footprint of buildings are an important part of both project development and operation. Catena also seeks smart solutions for energy supply, where a combination of solar cells and battery storage is becoming increasingly common. Furthermore, Catena places high demands on architectural design and promotes biodiversity at logistics facilities by creating well-considered green spaces.

The land in question is located close to the border with Åstorp municipality at Åstorp's southern industrial area. Seafrigo already operates there in a newly built logistics facility that Catena built in 2021 on the Broby 57:5 property.

For further information, please contact
Jörgen Eriksson, CEO, Tel. +46 42-449 22 42,
Göran Jönsson, Regional Manager Helsingborg, Tel. +46 42-449 22 66
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Datum 2023-10-10, kl 08:00
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