Careium implements organisational changes for stronger commercial development and changes the management of its Swedish operations.

Careium appoints Martin Puumalainen, currently Head of Nordic and Export Markets, to the role of Chief Commercial Officer, with responsibility for the commercial development of all regions and central marketing and sales functions. Martin will start on December 1, 2023, and will be responsible for consolidating the company's commercial activities, creating an enhanced interface between R&D, the Supply Chain, and the market, and strategically leading the company's sales development.

"During his years in the business, Martin has created great value and strong sales development, especially in Sweden. He is a clear, communicative, and driven leader who is highly appreciated by his teams and has substantial expertise in procurement and customer development. I am really looking forward to Martin taking on his new role and taking greater overall responsibility for our commercial strategy and sales operations, and I am convinced that it will benefit our regions and customers," says Christian Walén, CEO of Careium.

"Careium is unique in the enormous value that our high degree of innovation and quality in the overall delivery to our elderly brings. I really look forward to taking full responsibility for leading and supporting our sales in all markets and working towards great values for customers and society", says Martin Puumalainen.

Martin's role as Head of Sweden is replaced by Pernilla Haller Nilsson. She has very long experience in the business, both in a sales role and as responsible for our Alarm Receiving Centre in Sweden. "Pernilla has for a long time been a cornerstone in our well-functioning Swedish operations. She has profound expertise in both sales, customer understanding, and operations. I really look forward to seeing Pernilla in her new role with overall responsibility for the Swedish organisation. I am particularly pleased that we are filling such a key position internally, which is indicative of our ability to develop talent," continues Christian Walén.

"I have worked at Careium for many years, in many different roles. I have always been impressed by our relationships with customers, our high level of commitment, and the difference our work makes in enabling people to live rich, active, and secure lives. I am very much looking forward to the opportunity to lead the Swedish operations", states Pernilla Nilsson Haller.

Both Martin Puumalainen and Pernilla Haller Nilsson will enter their new roles on December 1, 2023, with Martin having responsibility for central and regional sales and Pernilla for the Swedish organisation. In accordance with Careium's management structure, both will report to Careium's CEO, Christian Walén.

Datum 2023-11-02, kl 09:00
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