Extraordinary general meeting in Cantargia AB (publ)


Cantargia’s extraordinary general meeting on December 2, 2024, resolved to approve the board’s resolution from November 6, 2024 to increase the company’s share capital through the issuance of new shares with pre-emptive rights for the company’s shareholders. Subscription may also be made without pre-emptive rights, as set forth in the complete issue resolution.

Through the rights issue, Cantargia’s share capital will increase with not more than SEK 7,347,467.36, through the issue of not more than 91,843,342 new shares.

The record date for the right to participate in the rights issue is December 4, 2024. Two existing shares held on the record date, entitle to subscription for one new share. The subscription price is SEK 1.85 per share.

For further details and information about the background and reasons for the rights issue, see Cantargia’s press release on November 6, 2024.

Datum 2024-12-02, kl 11:00
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