Cantargia has completed a directed share issue of approximately SEK 59 million



The board of directors of Cantargia AB (publ) (“Cantargia” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq Stockholm: CANTA) has resolved to carry out a directed new issue of 16,698,789 shares (the “Directed Share Issue”) at a subscription price of SEK 3.55 per share. The Directed Share Issue will provide Cantargia with approximately SEK 59.3 million before deduction of transaction costs. Investors in the Directed Share Issue represent a variety of Swedish and international investors including certain existing shareholders, notably the Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund (AP4), the First Swedish National Pension Fund (AP1) and Alecta Tjänstepension.

The results we have generated and presented for nadunolimab are very promising and highlight its great potential to become a key treatment option in several different cancer forms. It is very positive that with the help of this transaction we now secure our continued preparative work for the phase 2b study in pancreatic cancer and obtain liquidity to drive the company projects into 2025. We are very motivated and grateful for the trust from our investors”, said Göran Forsberg, CEO of Cantargia.
The Directed Share Issue
The board of directors of Cantargia has, based on the authorization granted by the annual general meeting held on 23 May 2023, resolved on the Directed Share Issue of 16,698,789 shares at a subscription price of SEK 3.55 per share, corresponding to the volume-weighted average share price of the Cantargia share on Nasdaq Stockholm on 30 October 2023, consequently raising proceeds of approximately SEK 59.3 million before deduction of transaction costs. The subscription price in the Directed Share issue has been determined by the board of directors following arm’s length negotiations with investors and in consultation with the Joint Global Coordinators and Joint Bookrunners Zonda Partners and Van Lanschot Kempen and is, based on the board of directors’ assessment, at market conditions. The Directed Share Issue was subscribed by a variety of Swedish and international investors including certain existing shareholders, notably the Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund (AP4), the First Swedish National Pension Fund (AP1) and Alecta Tjänstepension. The Company intends to use the issue proceeds to finance (i) preparative work for the phase 2b trial in PDAC for nadunolimab, and (ii) general corporate purposes and the extension of the Company’s cash runway into 2025. The newly issued shares are expected to be admitted to trading on Nasdaq Stockholm on 2 November 2023.
Prior to the Directed Share Issue, the board of directors has carefully considered the possibility to raise the required capital through a rights issue. The board of directors has thereby concluded, among other things, that a rights issue would be significantly more time-consuming, which could risk the preparative work for the phase 2b trial in PDAC for nadunolimab not to be conducted at the desired pace, or the Company missing out on potential development opportunities. Additionally, a rights issue would entail significantly higher costs for the Company, mainly due to procurement of a guarantee consortium, an increased exposure to market volatility, and potentially a lower subscription price to the disadvantage of the Company’s shareholders. Unlike in a rights issue, the Company’s shareholder base will be further diversified with Swedish and international institutional investors through the Directed Share Issue, which is considered to be of benefit for the Company and the share’s liquidity. Considering the above, the board of directors has made the assessment that the Directed Share Issue with deviation from the shareholders’ pre-emptive rights is in the best interest of the Company and its shareholders.
Through the Directed Share Issue, the number of shares and votes in the Company will increase by 16,698,789, from 166,987,895 to 183,686,684, and the share capital will increase by SEK 1,335,903.12, from SEK 13,359,031.60 to SEK 14,694,934.72. The Directed Share Issue entails a dilution of approximately 9.1 percent of the total number of shares and votes, based on the total number of shares in the Company after the Directed Share Issue.
The Directed Share Issue is subject to the fulfillment of certain customary conditions in the agreement on the placement of shares that has been entered into between the Company and the Joint Bookrunners in connection with the Directed Share Issue, and that this agreement is not terminated by the Joint Bookrunners before the settlement date of the Directed Share Issue.
Zonda Partners and Van Lanschot Kempen acted as Joint Global Coordinators and Joint Bookrunners and Oppenheimer & Co acted as financial adviser in connection with the Directed Share Issue. Vinge acted as legal counsel to Cantargia and Baker McKenzie acted as legal counsel to the Joint Bookrunners in connection with the Directed Share Issue.
For further information, please contact:
Göran Forsberg, CEO
Mobile: +46 (0)46-275 62 60
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This press release neither identifies nor pretends to identify risks (direct or indirect) that can be connected to an investment in Securities in Cantargia. The information contained in this announcement is for background purposes only and does not purport to be full or complete.
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This press release may contain forward-looking statements which reflect the Company’s current view on future events and financial and operational development. Words such as “intend”, “expect”, “anticipate”, “may”, “believe”, “plan”, “estimate” and other expressions which imply indications or predictions of future development or trends, and which are not based on historical facts, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements inherently involve both known and unknown risks and uncertainties as they depend on future events and circumstances. Forward-looking statements do not guarantee future results or development and the actual outcome could differ materially from the forward-looking statements.
This press release has been issued by and is the sole responsibility of the Company. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is or will be made as to, or in relation to, and no responsibility or liability is or will be accepted by each of the Joint Bookrunners and Oppenheimer & Co or by any of their respective affiliates or agents as to, or in relation to, the accuracy or completeness of this press release or any other written or oral information made available to or publicly available to any interested party or its advisers, and any liability therefore is expressly disclaimed.
Each of the Joint Bookrunners and Oppenheimer & Co is acting exclusively for the Company and no one else in connection with the Directed Share Issue, the content of this press release and other matters described in this press release. The Joint Bookrunners and Oppenheimer & Co will not regard any other person as their respective clients in relation to the Directed Share Issue, the content of this press release and other matters described in this press release and will not be responsible to anyone (including any placees) other than the Company for providing the protections afforded to their respective clients or for providing advice to any other person in relation to the Directed Share Issue, the content of this press release or any other matters referred to in this press release.
Each of the Joint Bookrunners, Oppenheimer & Co and their respective affiliates may have engaged in transactions with, and provided various commercial banking, investment banking, financial advisory transactions and services in the ordinary course of their business with the Company and/or its affiliates for which they would have received customary fees and commissions. Each of the Joint Bookrunners, Oppenheimer & Co and their respective affiliates may provide such services to the Company and/or its affiliates in the future.
The English text is an unofficial translation of the original Swedish text. In case of any discrepancies between the Swedish text and the English translation, the Swedish text shall prevail.

Datum 2023-10-30, kl 20:10
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